Monday, March 25, 2013

St. Louis Trip 2013

So Spring Break 2013 has come and gone :-( I enjoyed being at home with the kids & my wonderful Hubby. God has blessed me so much more than I deserve. I have a man who loves me so much and shows me how much he loves me (But don't get any ideas that you are romantic Mr. Miller because you & romance is nonexistent in the same sentence. LOL) he is also such an amazing Daddy to our 3 wild & crazy monkeys!

So vacation "officially" began at 3:30 on Wednesday afternoon. I couldn't get out of the door quick enough I was so stoked. I got home & we were able to reveal the big surprise to the kids when Aunt B, Kaitlynn, and Anna Claire arrived. They were fired up the rest of the weekend. There were times I honestly thought OK I am going to have to put handcuffs on them & gag them just for a moment of peace. LOL

Thursday morning we got up bright & early and began our voyage to St. Louis. Of course no trip to St. Louis is complete unless you stop & eat at Lambert's and my favorite part of Sykeston SHOPPING!!! We all got some really good deals & finished the rest of the trip to St. Louis. We arrived at the hotel with 5 wild & crazy kids. We went down to the pool & swam for a couple hours. I took 1 for the team & swam with them freezing cold the entire time. The pool was "heated" but not "heated" enough for me! I am a hot tub kinda girl. After a couple hours of wearing their little booties out we ordered pizza & then baths & bed.. Whew not sure who fell asleep 1st me or them. (my guess is me!).

Friday morning we got up bright & early again, went down in our PJs and ate breakfast, then back to the room to get ready for our fun filled day. We went to the City Museum. For those of you with kids this place was AMAZING!!! I am still so very sore today & just hoping I will make it through the hour long step aerobics class tonight without falling out & having to call an ambulance. I climbed 10 flights of stairs twice & slid down the 10 story slide twice.. Ugh tired Mommy. We crawled in holes, cracks, and places I never in a million years dreamed my butt would fit into. We had a great time "playing" with the kids!!! Friday night we went down to the Old Spaghetti Factory where we 1st had to take a horse & buggy ride because the kids just thought it was the coolest thing ever. I felt like I had been shaken up like a milkshake but the kids enjoyed it. I wasn't a fan of the food at the O.S.F but whatever just means I ate less!

Saturday we got up again bright & early, went downstairs in our PJs and ate breakfast, then back to the room to pack & venture out to the city again. We decided since it was supposed to be 57 degrees that we would venture to the zoo. It was a very nice zoo.. Not sure why people think Memphis is so great because the STL Zoo put Memphis to shame. We had a great time riding the train, simulator, carousel, and looking at all the animals. I am sure I am boring the crap out of all you but I really want to document our trip for the kids. So this part may be really stupid but I have never in my life seen an animal do this. If you asked me at the time if it scared me I would say no because you never act scared in front of your kids & husband, RIGHT? This gorilla they had on display lost its mind. It was like watching a scene from a movie. He was chewing on a crate & would get made throw it at someones face then pound the glass right where there face was. All I could think is if this gorilla breaks this glass we are in trouble!

Now for Tony's FAVORITE part of the trip. This dude watches Food Network ALL the time. I think some days he is trying to torture me because he will turn this on & then expect me not to eat ice cream, cupcakes, etc.. I mean really?! So he has gotten to where he watches Dine, Drive ins, and dives with Guy.. Well he just happened to watch an episode that was in St. Louis & noticed a place called Sweetie Pies. We got there & the line was forever long so in my mind I am thinking this better be good for me to stand in this line with 5 kids who are exhausted & not so happy for this long.  I have to say the place did NOT disappoint. I ate the best macaroni & cheese and banana pudding I have ever eaten in my ENTIRE life. I could have probably eaten my weight in this stuff.  After dinner we made the trek back home in the rain. I think the next trip I need some Zanex because I was freaking out the entire ride home.

Ready to Grub

Maycen pointing at the rolls being thrown

Anna Claire was ready

My roll eating dude (he ate like 5)

The girls

Dawson going down the Pencil slide

Anna Claire's turn
The Kaitlynn

Then Brooklyn

Aunt Krystal, nieces, and 2 of my babies

The girls spinning in the top

Ready for the zoo with my monkeys

And with Brooklyn too :-)

Maycen Kate was a thirsty girl

Train Ride

Petting Zoo

I am not sure what Brooklyn was doing with this Alpaca

Me & my beautiful blue eyed baby girl

Me & all the kids swimming :-)

Back to reality on Sunday (well sort of)... My amazing wonderful hubby let me go back to bed at 11:30 and I got to sleep to 1:30. Happy Spring Break to me!! In my defense I let them all sleep til 9:45 and I was up at 8 :-)  Then of course its unpack, laundry, grocery store, Walmart, cook, baths, etc...

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