Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Do you often find yourself asking why?  I know we are to never question God but somethings I can't help but wonder why do good things happen to bad people?, why do bad things happen to good people?, why do daddys & mommys go away?, why can't people who would love to be a daddy & a mommy never get that opportunity? and the list goes on and on and on...

The events of the last week have left me asking again WHY?  As most of you know 1 year ago we got that dreaded knock that everyone fears. A Crittenden County policy office stood at our door & delivered news no one could prepare us for. For a long time it left me asking God why? What did we do? What didn't we do? I just don't understand.  It left me with a fear of car accidents, accidents period, the unknown.  As I look back on the week of the accident & the week after I see so many glipses of God that at the time I didn't see before.  It amazes me to think of God's goodness & grace to us who don't deserve it at all. Who am I to deserve what he has blessed me with.

This week a very dear friend to me lost someone she loves so much. Again I caught myself asking Why? Why her? Why now? Why so young? I think a lot of us were left with this question. Though we may never know the answer of why on this Earth we do know that God's timing, HIS plan, HIS will for our lives is PERFECT!!! At times I find myself struggling with this more than ever.

I started noticing as just young children we start asking this question of WHY? My kids are often asking why do we have to eat that? Why does so and so get so and so? Why do we have to go to the grocery store. I often find myself answering because I am the Mommy & I said so just do it. WOW how this struck me. Maybe I should stop asking why & learn to realize because my Father said so.  I need to just do it. HE is the MASTER he KNOWS the plans HE has for ME. He plans to give me a hope & future that today I can't see but HE can.

I know to some of you this post may not make sense but I pray that some day it will. If you don't know the love & grace of our Father Jesus Christ reach out to someone because your days are numbered. God knows the plans He has crafted for our lives but we don't. Life is precious & it is time that we start writing our very our memorial service!! What do you want to be said about you when you leave this Earth? Do you want it to be said that you loved the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might? Or do you want it to be said that you cared about yourself more than the work of the Lord? We need to start NOW with writing our life song.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you SO MUCH for posting this!!!! Thank you for the reminder of this important lesson!!! Love ya!
