Hello friends!!
Another weekend has come and gone :-( I will say I enjoyed spending some time with my favorite peeps!!!
Friday night well let's just say it didn't go as planned! I had every intention of taking my baby loves to Zoo Boo but this mommy decided to cold and rainy for all that!! Instead we stayed home and listened to some Blue Devil football and did laundry (don't be too jealous of the laundry part). Our Devils had an upset against the Searcy Lions but I am still proud to be a devil wife!!
Saturday my lil man played his last flag football game as quarterback and I must say the little dude played a good game.. Poor kid got knocked in the head a couple times but he did so good. We had a birthday party and a fall festival that day too. Follows by my favorite part of the weekend 1 year old pictures (yes a little late don't judge!) and sushi with friends!!
I sure don't deserve the life God has blessed me with but I am sure glad he gave it to me :-)
I'll finish with a couple of sweet pictures :-) looking forward to a busy week so stay tuned for some exciting news and events :-)
Thank you for allowing me to have a glimpse into your life! I LOVE the pictures & how you see everything in your life as such a blessing!